
With the Hermelijn, the low-floor tram made its entry into Antwerp in the late 1990s. Besides the low floor, the soft bumpers, large doors, folding bellows - "accordions" - and the vehicle's great length (around 30 metres) particularly caught the eye. Because of its graceful movements and plastic bumpers, a De Lijn staff member from Ghent came up with the original name 'Ermine'. The Hermelijnen were also the first Antwerp trams with electronic steering. Meanwhile, the Hermelijnen have been meandering through Antwerp traffic for almost a quarter of a century.

  • Year of construction 1999-2006
  • Constructor Siemens/Bombardier/Adtranz
  • Series 7201-7265
  • Engines: 4 engines of 95 hp
  • Brakes: electric brake and drum brakes and rail brakes
  • Weight empty 39 tons
  • Seats 72
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